Monday, June 21, 2010

does this dance dazzle u...

well i really should be studying now... too bad i was born with the attention span of a goldfish... which is... well... 3 seconds i suppose?

anyway... just wanted to... revive my blog... which i believe has been pronounced dead unofficially--by you... and officially--by me...

so... a short update perhaps...

CHE2164 (10/6/10 killed)
CHE2165 (16/6/10 killed)
ENG2091 (18/6/10 killed)
CHM1022(24/6/10 yet to kill... or be killed... T_T)

anyway... heres a little something for y'all...

so... is this pretty little dancer spinning clockwise... or anticlockwise......

1. look
2. observe
3. look again
4. ask someone to see with you
5. call him/her crazy if he/she has a different answer from u... =)

her body's great... i know... but that's not the point...

alright... back to serious business now... k=Cp/Cv... adios...